That is the case with the number 7 and the role it plays in online blackjack live dealer games, slots and other casino games. Once something becomes entrenched in everyday life and belief, it becomes extremely difficult to change and make people think about it in a different way. From this, it’s evident that the significance of the number 7 dates back hundreds of years, which means that the psychology of its meaning is rooted much deeper than one might think. In the Bible it’s said that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh – and so, for many Christians, the number represents a sense of “completeness.” In the Jewish culture and religion, there are believed to be seven heavens while those who follow the Islamic faith and who make the pilgrimage to Mecca are required to walk around the Kaaba seven times. There’s also plenty of religious significance attached to the number.

There are seven days of the week, seven continents, seven seas, seven notes on a musical scale, seven colors of the rainbow, Shakespeare’s seven ages of man and Snow White’s seven dwarves. It’s a prime number (which means it can only be divided by itself and one) and it appears everywhere. Read on for the details about the origins of the lucky number 7 in different cultures and how it applies to live dealer casinos and various online slots and which online casino games take gamblers’ emotional attachment to the number into consideration to create more enjoyable and exciting gameplay. You’ve probably heard the phrase “lucky number 7” both inside and outside the casino, but have you ever wondered what it is that makes number 7 so lucky? Have you ever thought about how you could possibly benefit from that luck when playing at a land-based or online casino? Regardless of whether you believe in luck when playing classic games such as poker or spinning the reels, chances are you’ve looked into the number 7 and how it could possibly impact your gameplay or increase your chances of walking away victorious.